Rabbit Proof Fence

The period of history described in the film is 1931, and it is infamous for its’ ethnic cleansing by the white, British intruders in Australia. Before the brits invaded Australia, the aboriginals was a nomad people living in piece. Neither of the cultures know the other’s language, they don’t respect each other’s cultures, and since the […]

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The Pursuit Of Happyness

The Pursuit Of Happyness is a movie about Chris Gardner, and his way from poverty to prosperity. On his way he solves a Rubic’s Cube, gets hit by a car, finds his time machine which is stolen from him (movie refernce) since this is a feel-good flick, he gets a job as a stock broker, […]

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Lamb to slaughter – Roald Dahl

“Lamb to slaughter” is about a woman, named Mary, who kills her husband with a leg of lamb (basically). PS. SPOILER ALERT I liked the short story, but the movie adaptation was, and I’m sorry for my language, s*it. The only actor who was convincing was the actor who played the killed husband’s best friend, […]

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my first ever <3<3<3<3

I know, the title is a bit misleading. This blog is just about english class.

Today, in english class, we used the wepsite “kahoot” for a quiz. Needless to say that I smashed it, and ended in twentythird place.

My name is August (but that’s irrelevant), and this is my blog!!

I live in Norway, and I attend Sandvika High School

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